Raiders and Storm will miss the 2013-2014 Playoffs!

     The Napanee Raiders learned late Sunday night that they would not be playing any post season hockey in the Empire B Junior C Hockey League, as the Amherstview Jets spoiled the late season push by the Raiders. The Jets were just one point out of a playoff spot going into their final game of the season and needed just one point to push the Raiders out of a playoff spot. Not only did the Jets get the one point they needed but they got 2, with a 3-0 win over the Port Hope Panthers.

     The Raiders had a great push in their final 12 games, earning 21 points and 10 wins but it just wasn't enough. The boys of Napanee need to hold their heads high as they never gave up.

      Also, never giving up were the Deseronto Storm, who will miss the post season in the Empire B Junior C Hockey League. The Storm had a rough season with just 3 wins but they always showed up to play. Out matched and out skilled the Storm will need to focus on where they went wrong this season in order to be a more competitive team next season.

      None the less, both the Napanee Raiders and the Deseronto Storm will be on the outside looking in as the 2013-2014 playoffs get underway.

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