Raiders deliver Pirates their second straight loss

     The Napanee Raiders are fighting for their playoff spot and with 2 regular season games remaining, they currently hold fourth place with a win over the Pirates last night. It was an "edge of your seat" finish at the Strathcona Paper Centre as the game was decided with a shootout.
     Late in the third frame, Bud Norris was sent in all alone on Pirates goalie Adam Wood but failed to deliver as he had Wood beat but lost control of the puck. Norris however did get redemption just minutes later as he tipped in a point shoot to give the Raiders a 3-2 lead. The lead was short lived as Ryan Sizer was able to snap one over Kyle Copelands glove hand, to tie the game up at 3 with just over 4 minutes remaining.
     Overtime solved nothing but the Pirates had multiple chances when Kyle Copeland took a delay of game penalty for shooting the puck out of play with a minute left. 
      Tyler Romain was the lone scorer in the shootout as he snuck one by Adam Wood on the blocker side, while Kyle Copeland was able to poke check 2 of the 3 shooters, earning his team the win, 4-3.
      The Raiders travel just down the road this afternoon to take on the last place Deseronto Storm.

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